What makes space shuttles and ballistic missiles so heat resistant

Ever wondered why space shuttles can go in outer space and come back while asteroids are burned to ashes when they enter in earth’s atmosphere. The answer is simple space shuttle is more heat resistant than asteroid is that is what makes space shuttle go in and out of earth’s atmosphere with ease.

Heat resistant or Impact resistance

Scientists have spent years in research to create materials durable to intense heat produced by air resistance in the atmosphere. Heat produced due to friction is enough to evaporate iron which made the researcher develop materials which are heat resistant but they lack impact resistance.

Reinforced Carbon-Carbon

Material which makes space shuttles and some ballistic missiles heat resistant are reinforced carbon-carbon. It the suitable combination of carbon fiber in the matrix of graphite. Graphite is the most stable form of carbon under normal conditions. This material (RCC) made possible for space shuttles to withstand intense heat generated during re-entering in the atmosphere.

RCC is heat resistant but it is not tough as iron that’s why space shuttle has become a bit of a partially reusable space vehicle. Poor impact resistance of RCC made shuttle Colombia blast into pieces after hitting broken foam piece form space shuttle external tank.

Usage of RCC

Currently, RCC is used in six space shuttle orbiters Enterprise, Colombia, Challenger, endeavor, discovery, and Atlantis. They are manufactured by Rockwell International. Challenger and Colombia are destroyed and rest of them are retired with the end of the space program in 2011.

What’s Next

Research is being done by big corporations like NASA, Space X and Rockwell international. To create reusable heat-resistant materials because space shuttle orbiter’s heat resistance material degrades during its journey in space. Shuttle Nose cone is almost replaced after every mission. The cost of replacement is high because of that activity in space is limited to a few missions.


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